Harpenden Trust Care Fund Update, August 2023

We are now into the second half of the year and our plans are now coming to fruition, either scheduled or completed. A huge thank you to the volunteer team for our participation at the highly successful Harpenden Summer Carnival on the Common where the Trust was brilliantly showcased. 

Our transport team has been very successful in boosting attendance at many Trust events. 

For some years we provided bingo sessions at the Lea Springs assisted living residence in Batford. This will resume due to a kind offer from a volunteer. 

Our Community Cafe is now up and running and providing a wonderful space for all to relax and enjoy. The new Trust Halls at No. 130 Southdown Road are looking fantastic with the introduction of some superb artwork loaned to us by the Art department at St George’s School. With the new heating system currently being installed we are looking forward to a busy Autumn at No. 130. 

As always, thank you to all of the members of the Care Fund for their amazing work, it is truly the most wonderful organisation to work for.



Seniors Fair: a date for the next event has already been set, 10 April, 2024! 

Seniors Outings: we currently have 145 clients on our list and have taken the decision to pause taking on any further new clients as we believe this is a sensible level where we can offer one trip a year. In June we organised a river boat trip which was attended by 33 clients and 3 volunteers, although unfortunately we had a number of late cancellations, whilst in July we had a very successful tea party at Aldwickbury Golf Club, with another planned. We have a boat trip planned on the Ouse for August. 

Hall Bookings: Activity levels at both No. 90 Southdown Road and No. 130 Southdown Road remain strong and interest in new and additional bookings. No. 130 is still settling down as a venue but we are in the process of refurbishment as well as understanding what will work with events. The ‘What’s on at the Halls’ section of the Trust’s newsletter seems to have gone down well and the information is also now available on the Halls page of the Trust’s website and will be updated before the start of each new term. Party bookings have picked up from September with one even booked in for February! 

Home Visits: we had a steady number of calls during June with the warm weather playing a part in keeping energy costs down. However, with the cost of food increasing we are having to offer larger sums of food vouchers to help families out. 

Harpenden Wellbeing: nine Wellbeing Friends are supporting 44 clients – all referred by the social prescribers - across a wide range of ages. In past two months the team has concluded 37 referrals. Of these, half were given information and support to start an activity. The remaining referrals were either not suitable for Wellbeing or did not engage with the service. 

Yoga is now established as a Wellbeing activity and is growing in popularity and it great to be able to offer clients a free, mindful exercise group. Mind in Mid Herts continues to develop. A key element of this has been the pottery group. 

The Sensory projector has been a huge hit both at MLC and at its first outing to Willow Court who are keen to have it back. The intergenerational dementia choir with the Clover singing group and Sir John Lawes students will start rehearsals in September. 

The Arts on Prescription (AOP) courses held at the EMC are a great success and work from the group was on display at Harpenden Library from 20 July to 1 August. We have 20 people signed up for the course in October. 

Youth Talk: the second Youth Talk trial group counselling pilot has just finished and we await their feedback report whilst the Stormbreak initiative has also proved to be a success. 

Library Support: discussions have taken place to extend the service further with the potential story for story time sessions in Trust premises and the possibility of extending the Library Express Service opening hours. 

The Ribbon Cancer Support Group: the group started in June and is supported by Macmillan Cancer Research and the Trust and led by a specialist cancer support nurse. It has support from the PCN and their Mental Health Practitioner has delivered some mindfulness sessions whilst several attendees have joined our yoga group. Attendance has been good. 

Family Outings: the outing this year is to Wicksteed Park in August, and letters have been sent to families who have been Home Visit clients of the Trust in the past year. 

Coffee Mornings: Tuesday coffee mornings continue to be very popular and well attended; an average of 35 - 40 each week. Two weeks ago we excelled ourselves with 47 attending. Thursday morning attendance has also improved. 

Transport: we currently have 26 active drivers and the team are currently transporting an average of 27 clients each week, taking them to the Memory Lane Café, 2 x coffee mornings, Arts on Prescription and the Community Café. We also assisted the Senior Outings team with taking 13 clients to the Trust Centre for the Boat Trip in June and transported 15 clients to the Afternoon Tea Party at Aldwickbury Park golf club.


Nick Luckett, Chair, Care Fund

14 August 2023

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