Harpenden Trust News

Young Enterprise Award

30 April 2020
The Harpenden Trust Community Fund, which supports many organisations in the town with grants totalling around £80,000 annually, was delighted to receive a sponsor's award from Young Enterprise, which it has been pleased to support for the last nine years.

Greenway Spinney - Pleased to help

30 April 2020
The Harpenden Trust is pleased to have again been able to support the hugely hardworking volunteers at the Greenway Spinney as they continue to improve the area.  The pictures show how pathways are being added through the spinney - particularly lovely in the springtime!

Christmas Appeal 2017

31 October 2019
The Harpenden Trust's 2017 Christmas Appeal raised the magnificent sum of £53,000 with Gift Aid.

Sunday Club, St. Nicholas Church

02 May 2020
The children of the Sunday Club at St. Nicholas Church, Harpenden, have chosen the Harpenden Trust as their charity for this term, and they will donate their weekly collection to helping those in the town less fortunate than themselves.

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter

31 October 2019
The Trust is on Facebook - at The Harpenden Trust.

Christmas Appeal over

31 October 2019
The Christmas Appeal has now ended, and thousands of the familiar purple and yellow envelopes have been collected from all corners of the town!

Trust Centre gets a Defibrillator

02 May 2020
A defibrillator has been installed on the outside wall of the Trust Centre, thanks to a gift from Rotary.  Defibrillators are emergency life saving equipment, delivering an electric current to the heart in life-threatening cardiac conditions and available 24 hours a day.

A life-changer for Mike

31 October 2019
Mike Joiner suffers from a rare and debilitating condition, Addison's Disease.  He needed to raise £2,000 to buy an electric wheelchair that would enable him to get out of his house and give him back some independence.

Harpenden Trust News provides ongoing news and announcements relating to the work and presence of the Harpenden Trust in AL5.

The Harpenden Trust is here to help Harpenden people in need, individually and collectively. For residents suffering hardship and in need of the support of a good neighbour the Harpenden Trust is here to be that good neighbour, with the active support of the town’s residents as volunteers and donors. The Trust also works to benefit organisations, charities and community groups within Harpenden. Harpenden Trust News provides updates on the work of the Care Fund and the Community Fund and also on the support the Trust receives from the Harpenden community. In the News you can see how the Trust’s volunteers are making a real and sustained difference to individuals, families and the community.

Harpenden Trust News also provides regular updates on events, appeals, activities and the facilities of the Trust. It provides a ‘go to’ for the Trust’s engagement across Harpenden.

Read Harpenden Trust News and learn about the work of volunteers, learn about the events what we do to support seniors and our involvement with local schools, learn about the money we put into improving playgrounds, the environment and many other Harpenden facilities. Learn also about our work during the Coronavirus pandemic. Learn about how the Harpenden Trust is your Harpenden good neighbour.